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IT Service Components | Comprehensive Guide

IT Service Components | Comprehensive Guide

With the world transitioning to a work-from-home environment, IT services are needed more than ever. However, maintaining connectivity and security when the majority of your workforce is spread out over a large geographic area can be challenging.


Traditionally, IT specialists worked in-house for a company, overseeing their IT needs. Most small to medium-sized businesses typically had one or two IT team members whose job was to provide support across a wide variety of IT solutions. For a while, this worked well, as the needs were small and services like cloud computing and full-time remote access were in their infancy. 


As IT solutions have grown, so too has the need for additional skill sets in the world of IT professionals. This means that one- and two-member teams are no longer enough to cover the entire playing field of IT needs, which includes staying up-to-date on the latest trends and vulnerabilities. 


With this in mind, businesses small and large have been asking themselves, “Do we hire additional IT people at expensive rates, or do we try to find a more economical solution?” 


Managed IT Services

Whether you’re looking for IT services in Houston or nationally, it first helps to understand what managed IT services are and how they can help small businesses. 



IT Services Take the Load off Your Shoulders

By partnering with an IT service provider, a business can unburden itself of its costly and difficult-to-maintain internal IT department. Looking for a new IT expert because your third one in five years left to work for a startup is tiring. IT service companies will make sure you never have any downtime when it comes to ensuring your IT systems are constantly available and that they’re there to stay. 


A Team of People a Phone Call or Email Away

IT service providers have an advantage over in-house IT departments in that they have many employees available who are knowledgeable in specialized areas. This allows an expert to examine your problem and find a solution quickly. Alternatively, in-house IT departments may not have the knowledge necessary and could have to seek outside support to resolve the issue. 


All Solutions Under One Roof

It doesn’t matter if it’s a simple cloud system or a highly secure network with advanced cybersecurity solutions, IT service companies have a solution for every need. Having a 24/7 support center is critical for a world where businesses operate globally. Employees located in remote places may need support that in-house IT teams simply don’t have the time to handle. 


Additionally, IT service firms can offer new software solutions to problems you didn’t know you had. They are experts at optimizing IT workflows and minimizing their impacts on productivity; they can even write custom software for your unique business needs.


Lastly, managed IT services have a unique viewpoint because they work with many different companies at the same time. This allows them to see which solutions are successful in the real world. This experience helps them to bring the best solutions from across multiple industries to work for your business. 


Are IT Services Expensive?

You’re probably wondering how to choose an IT service provider that’s reasonably priced. When you compare the cost of maintaining a full in-house IT department to the cost of an IT services company like Xvand, the two couldn’t be more different. 

You’d think that hiring an entire team of people to guard your most critical IT infrastructure would cost a king’s ransom, but the business model works because while our team of IT experts is available 24/7, they aren’t on your time clock 24/7. This allows them to work with a variety of clients and meet each client’s needs at a moment’s notice. In a way, you can think of managed IT services as a co-op of business owners all pitching in to hire the best of the best and share the cost between them. 


Final Thoughts

The days of every business having its own IT staff have passed. With all of the benefits offered by managed IT services, it’s easy to see why they have become a huge part of how many companies do business!


Andrey Sherman

Andrey Sherman

Andrey Sherman serves as Xvand’s vice president of technology and is one of the company’s co-founders. He is the leading architect of the Xvand system.


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